Amidst the Arizona immigration law debate, Republican California Representative Duncan Hunter was asked this question during a rally, "Would you support deportation of natural-born American citizens that are the children of illegal aliens?" He says he definitely would, and he makes it clear that it's "not just to be mean" but simply because the U.S. cannot afford it. So he believes the country cannot afford to take care of children whom were born here, but we can however afford, for example, George Bush's decade-long war in the Middle East for dirty money and oil.
It never, ever fails to amaze me how conservatives are able to, each and every time, muster up enough passion and motivation to constantly discriminate against non-whites, non-Christians, homosexuals -- yet be completely oblivious to a seemingly never-ending global war and domestic racial profiling, corporatism, capitalism happening right here. They are a joke, professional and successful distributors of propaganda, taking advantage of vulnerable voters and supporters who apparently don't yet have the capabilities to realize that they themselves are the victims of these same leaders they continue to support.
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