The above is an example why religion has no place in government.
The pro-life Catholic organization Catholic Vote continues to pump out seemingly homemade, sappy videos dedicated to a pro-life agenda to advertise their "Imagine the Potential" campaign. Some of these ads last year made it to national television. I tried to go to their site today but apparently, their website is "closed on Sundays" (I'm not kidding.)Concerning this video, on a less important note and being an adopted person myself -- even as a kid I had memorized which celebrities and notable people were "adopted like me" (Nelson Mandela for example); but a lot of the artists, singers, actors and politicians shown in this campaign were not really adopted but raised by step parents or grandparents (Jack Nicholson, John Lennon). Of course they pulled a fast one by taking these world-changing-not-really-adopted-people for the wow factor.
That being said, their intention was obviously meant to sway the plans of the pregnant, high school mom-to-be from going to that abortion clinic downtown, because maybe her child can be adopted and grow up and free a nation.
Now, not to sound morbid or like a complete downer, but if we're going broadcast such propaganda, one must advertise the other side as well, because if the "positive" side is going to be given such value than the negative must also receive the same type of attention; we do the same with every other form of discussion or choice so why shouldn't it apply here?
A negative side of adoption, for example, is the very public fact that so many notable serial killers were adopted that it's become a psychological topic of discussion among psychology and crime enthusiasts (just Google "adopted serial killers", though you won't have to finish typing it as it is a popular topic of search on Google.)
Some will understand my sentiments but I'm full aware others would view the above facts as a contempt of the magical world of adoption as we know it. But this is what's wrong with society's view of adoption. It is viewed as a strictly glorious thing to happen. A woman in a crowded room says "we adopted a baby boy!" and the room will fill with gasps and smiles.
But the fact is that adoptees, especially as children, experienced a traumatic experience; they were abandoned, left, given up by their own mothers. This is not something to rejoice. It's something that can and should be helped, but it shouldn't ever be ignored, or even worse, celebrated... And that's just what this advertisement does, it not only celebrates it, but it condones it -- all for the sake of political favor.
I can only imagine how sicked out John Lennon would be on the Catholics pivoting his "Imagine" like this.
I duntlikeit.
Especially since Lennon pretty much stood for everything they're against. My only guess is it's their way of getting a bigger audience.
But then, would you rather be aborted or adopted? Or would you rather be killed as a baby or adopted?
Anonymous - you think that question is original? Figure it out yourself.
Anonymous: Since this is question time would you have rather your parents have used birth control? Just sayin'
Adopted folks aren't the only ones who "could have been aborted". In recent years, the option is open to every pregnant woman. So, I suppose I could ask the same of you.
About the video: Where are all the serial killers and other undesirables who were adopted? I do believe Nikki, you are right in thinking Lennon would be against this. Likely would a few others in that video.
Great insights Nikki.
To response to your question about abortion vs. adoption:
I would have rathered have been raised by my natural mother.
Great post Nikki.
Anonymous, like Christina, my choice would have been to be raised by my natural mother. People who ask that question never seem to consider that that is an option - why is that? They also never seem to realise that being aborted would be neither here nor there for the fetus involved because they would not know that they were aborted. An adopted person is extremely aware of their adopted status and it can result in a life of pain and depression.
Fantastic post.
Adoption seems to be this thing where brains get removed, skittles get inserted, and people have these handy dandy blinders put on that only allow them to see what they want to see.
Had I been aborted, anonymous, I wouldn't have existed to care. However, I'm here, and I care a whole heck of a lot about being adopted and the pain it caused me.
Anon @2:13
I think your mother should have swallowed.
Anon your question:
But then, would you rather be aborted or adopted? Or would you rather be killed as a baby or adopted?
If I'm dead, then I'm not having this conversation with you.... Would I rather be brought up with a dysfunctional bunch of strangers and live with the pain of not-knowing or having a right to my biological history? The answer is NO.
I'm with Nikki. Why the heck do people persist in asking this ridiculous question? As if such things can be easily sequestered into "right" and "wrong"!
Why are critical-minded adoptees reminded to be grateful ALL the time? Why should children ever be made to feel grateful for being born? What tripe.
Adoption is complicated and painful for many adoptees. If you can't wrap your head around that, go away until you can figure it out. Then engage in realistic dialogue, rather than throwing the abortion/dumpster/death card in our faces.
Oh, sheesh, that old ignorant question again! How about we ask abused children if they'd rather be abused or aborted; or ask rape victims if they'd rather be raped or dead. Let's just tell all people who are going through any sort of discrimination, persecution, or pain of any sort "Hey, at least you're alive, right? Would you rather be dead? So stop complaining!" And let's not try to do anything to effect change and make it better for future generations - as long as they're alive, they're just fine!
Well said. Very well said.